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Project Portfolio Management

Portfolio Project Management

an executive looking at a business analytics on a monitor

Why Portfolio Project Management (PPM)?

Portfolio Project Management is the process of managing a group of projects that share a common strategic objective, scope, or resource. Portfolio project management enables organizations to align their project investments with their business goals and priorities, optimize their resource utilization and allocation, and maximize their value creation and delivery.

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Key Benefits of Scaled PPM?

  • Improved Decision Making: PPM enables organizations to evaluate and compare different projects based on their alignment with the strategic vision, their expected outcomes, and their feasibility. This helps to select the most valuable and viable projects and allocate resources accordingly.
  • Enhanced Visibility and Communication: PPM provides a holistic view of the status, progress, and performance of all the projects in the portfolio. This helps to monitor and control the interdependencies, risks, and issues that may arise across the projects. PPM also facilitates communication and collaboration among the project teams, sponsors, and stakeholders.
  • Increased Efficiency and Effectiveness: PPM helps to optimize the use of resources, time, and budget across the projects. PPM also helps to align the project objectives with the organizational goals and ensure that the projects deliver the expected benefits and value.
  • Reduced Uncertainty and Risk: PPM helps to identify and mitigate the potential risks and uncertainties that may affect the portfolio. PPM also helps to evaluate the impact of changes and scenarios on the portfolio and adjust the plans accordingly.
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How DMI Consulting Can Help

We offer a range of core services to help launch or optimize your project portfolio and achieve your strategic goals. Our services include: .

  • Portfolio Assessment and Design: We help you assess the current state of your portfolio and design a portfolio that aligns with your organizational strategy, vision, and values. We also help define the portfolio governance, processes, and criteria for selecting, prioritizing, balancing, and monitoring the projects.
  • Portfolio Implementation and Execution: We help implement and execute your portfolio by providing guidance, support, and oversight throughout the project lifecycle. We also help manage portfolio risks, issues, dependencies, and changes, as well as the portfolio stakeholder engagement and communications.
  • Portfolio Evaluation and Improvement: We help evaluate and improve your portfolio by measuring and reporting the portfolio performance, benefits, and outcomes. We also identify and share the portfolio lessons learned and best practices.

We leverage industry best practices, technologies, frameworks, along with our expertise and experience in various domains, to facilitate and deliver quality customized Portfolio Project Management solutions .